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Level C1

You can reach the C1 level by attending our C1.1, C1.2 and C1.3 courses and then taking the corresponding exam.

You can either book these courses individually (duration per course: one month) or sign up for the complete package (in three consecutive months). 

C1 - Competent Use of Language

I attend C1. What can I do then?

I not only understand demanding texts with complex structures, but I also understand what's between the lines. I can express myself spontaneously and fluently and use my language effectively and flexibly in social and professional life. Yes, sometimes I miss a word, but I immediately find an alternative for it. What I say is not only clear and structured, but I can also express myself in detail on complex issues, using various means of text linkage in an appropriate manner. The language level C1 paves the way for my career and opens the way for me to study at college and university.

If you are not sure, which course to attend: our placement test


Here you can find all information about current courses.